My three beautiful boys. My most important family responsibility is being there for them.
I work part time as a barista and I don’t have any paid family leave at all.
When I was pregnant with our twins we were living in California. I was a flight attendant and my husband worked at Trader Joes. Our combined income was around 35k but we both got to be home after they were born. I had to have an emergency c-section for our second twin and having my husband home in the weeks after was so crucial to my being able to nurse both babies. I truly could not have done it alone.
What bothered me was that I knew if we ever had another child outside of California that we would not have this help.
Paid family leave can define the beginning of a child's life. A parent stressed about money cannot hide that stress fully and babies pick up on stress.
Paid family leave is truly a very small commitment with very big results and it levels the playing field between minimum wage workers and higher paid workers in regards to their children's lives.