***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** Contact: Thea Levkovitz, Thea@workingwa.org
TODAY: SeaTac Airport Workers Announce Federal Lawsuit Against Sound Transit
Today Sea-Tac Airport workers announce a Federal lawsuit filed against Sound Transit. The agency has unfairly rejected a factual ad about thousands of poverty wage jobs at our airport.
When: Today, April 5, 2012, 11:30 AM
Where: Pier 66, Bell Harbor, 2711 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98121
What: Airport workers will announce Federal lawsuit outside Sound Transit Board Retreat at Port of Seattle. Airport worker, Hosea Wilcox, featured in an ad rejected by Sound Transit will speak about poverty wage jobs at our airport
Visuals: Workers will reveal a 3’ x 7’ banner version of the “objectionable” ad.
An ad rejected by Sound Transit has the simple tag line, “Let’s make all airport jobs good jobs.” This is virtually the same message Sound Transit ran as recently as November, 2011 “Stand up for Good Jobs.” In response to this decision, Working Washington has filed a Federal lawsuit over what appears to be a decision to single out this particular content by Sound Transit.
The 4,000 poverty- wage workers at SeaTac think you should know about working conditions at our airport.
Workers like Hosea Wilcox, who is featured the ad has worked at SeaTac as a Sky cap and still makes only minimum wage. “After 31 years working at SeaTac, I was reduced to using food stamps. I just couldn’t get steady full-time hours; often it was just 12 or 15 hours per week. This doesn’t seem right, to reward your loyal workers this way.”
And Hosea Wilcox is s only one of thousands of passenger service workers at our Airport making less than the federal poverty level. They are the taxi cab workers, ramp workers, cabin cleaners, fuelers, cargo workers, ground transportation workers, shuttle drivers, parking lot workers all critical jobs to keep Sea-Tac Airport running.
There is no problem with the ad, the problem is poverty wages at our Airport. Let’s make all jobs at the Airport good Jobs.
The Working Washington ad adheres to the Sound Transit advertising guidelines. We think that Sound Transit should do the same and run our ads. The public has the right to know who keeps our airports running. Workers will not be silenced.
Jonathan Rosenblum, Working Washington
Skycap, Hosea Wilcox, worker featured in the ad
Rahwa Habte, OneAmerica
David West, Executive Director, Puget Sound Sage
Sergio Salinas, President, SEIU Local 6
Other Airport Workers
For additional information: www.itsOURairport.org