In a first-of-its-kind online action, the webpage for a pie-cutter is being swamped today with “reviews” pointing out the giant online retailer’s failure to pay their fair share of taxes. Frustrated by Amazon’s tax-dodging, workers, students, and community members from the Seattle area and others from across the country are sending Amazon a message they can’t miss — by leaving the message on Amazon’s own website. Check out some of the best examples below.
Pie Cutter Equity Less Than Half Good, April 3, 2012
Rick R. Harlan (Seattle, WA, US) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Pie Marker/Cutter 6 Cut
First of all, I'm not about to use a pie cutter that makes the pieces equal. That's just not American. I may be way down in the middle-muddle of the 99% but IF I had enough money for a whole pie, I wouldn't want to share 99% of it with the rest of the world. I'd want the whole thing for myself! Right?
That's why I regularly and dutifully vote against my own immediate self interest, like against that initiative for a graduated state income tax for just the rich citizens of Washington State, folks like Amazon executives--people who make more money in a couple weeks, or days, or hours, than I do all year. I've had so little for so long, if I had it all I'd want to keep it all, right? Why even sponsor cleaning up Puget Sound, or reducing homelessness blocks away from headquarters, or envisioning the Next 50 Years? I'd have my pie!
If I buy a piece of pie, I pay sales tax of near 10%. Property tax means I can't afford my home no less a pie; but there's no tax on owning stocks and bonds. People who have 99.9& of the pie pay income tax of only 15% on pie dividends.
Come to think of it, the kind of pies I think would come in handy in the situation we're in now in this country are good old fashioned American pies. No, not apple pies--whipped cream pies!
Pies for everyone who has it all and wants to keep it all! No pie-cutter needed. Best used one full pie at a time. Just imagining, of course!
Slices have never been so equitable!, April 3, 2012
This review is from: Pie Marker/Cutter 6 Cut
Quite often when divvying up dinner at our family's weekly "Pizza Night", I as the oldest and richest will take the largest slice. My children starve on the leftover scraps, if there is any left. It's so easy to forget that there are others to feed! Now that I have the handy Pie Marker/Cutter 6 Cut, I recognize that my greed, while initially profitable to my waistline, has resulted in my family leaving me! Hopefully the smell of delicious, fairly sized slices of pizza will convince them to return to the family. Thanks for the valuable lesson, Amazon!
Loyal Customer Wants Amazon to Do Better!, April 3, 2012
This review is from: Pie Marker/Cutter 6 Cut
I find Amazon to be a wonderful service and have had great experiences with your company, however, I am ashamed to learn that I have been supporting a company that doesn't pay it's fair share and has practices that contribute to the devastating and increasing economic injustice in this country. Please use this pie cutter and your obvious collective talents to do better!
Slices unevenly, April 3, 2012
This review is from: Pie Marker/Cutter 6 Cut
I bought this pie cutter thinking that it was gonna cut the pie evenly, so everyone gets a fair share but it turns out it doesn't work that way. And how could it when the company that sells it doesn't understand fairness? They paid an effective 5.5% federal tax rate by giving stock options to executives. What?? How is that fair?
crummy pie slicer, April 3, 2012
onlythecrumbs - See all my reviews
This review is from: Pie Marker/Cutter 6 Cut
While I find it nice that Amazon sells this pie cutter that cuts a pie into equal pieces, it is regrettable to me that they are doing everything they can to hoard all the pie and leave the rest of us dividing the crumbs. From treating their workers poorly, avoiding taxes, and strong arming other businesses Amazon uses dirty tricks to hoard the pie and make their CEO super rich. While we are all left with equally splitting the crumbs....
Dear Amazon - NO PIE FOR YOU!, April 3, 2012
Jacqueline Helt - See all my reviews
This review is from: Pie Marker/Cutter 6 Cut
This pie cutter is a very useful tool; however, it would be even more useful if one of the slices inlcuded Amazon paying their FAIR SHARE. Tsk Tsk - why is it that huge corporations like Amazon think it is okay to stand on the backs of those of us that do pay our fair share! Dear Amazon - NO PIE FOR YOU!
Unnecessary: Why Would Anyone Need to Cut a Pie?, April 3, 2012
Mr Moneybags - See all my reviews
This review is from: Pie Marker/Cutter 6 Cut
I don't understand this product. When one of my servants makes a pie, I can't imagine why I would need to cut it. Obviously, I just eat the whole pie. If I host a party with lobbyists and politicians, obviously we all get our own pie. I've seen other reviewers complaining about how unequal this pie cutter is, but really, they should feel happy they are getting ANY of the pie. It goes to show just how charitable Amazon is by even selling this product, especially since you can't really find this stuff at any of the local shops around town, as they have all shut down. They probably shut down because they were silly enough to pay their taxes, and pay their employees livable wages. Every successful businessman knows the only way for capitalism to succeed is with underpaid, overworked employees and lots of tax lawyers and lobbyists to get you the best deal, which Amazon has done better than anyone.
This cutter divided my pie, evenly!, April 3, 2012
This review is from: Pie Marker/Cutter 6 Cut
Was shocked to get an even piece of the pie! Amazon seems to have the monopoly on slicing huge slices from the pie chart that represents OUR economy. They starve our local book stores, publishing companies and small businesses by undercutting prices, while not paying an even slice of state and federal taxes. Amazon needs to try this pie cutter. It really does cut equally any way you slice it!
Our creative action seems to have struck a nerve in South Lake Union.
While well more than 100 people have written and posted fair share pie cutter reviews, Amazon has removed a good number of these — so there’s no doubt Amazon executives are well aware of our message that it’s time for them to pay their fair share. However, the word about Amazon’s tax-dodging shenanigans continues to spread, and reviews continue to be posted even faster than Amazon can wipe them clean. Click here to see all the dozens of reviews still remaining on the site: