As secure scheduling issue continues to pick up steam, Seattle baristas will be outside today's Starbucks Annual Shareholder Meeting raising awareness of a hot issue — by handing out coffee sleeves that read #OurTimeCounts
Read MoreYakima needs a raise, but don’t just take our word for it
Yakima County released a report on the state of their economy and the data says what we’ve been saying all along - Yakima needs a raise.
Read MoreWe laughed. We cried. We had free refreshments.
We were happy to have State Senator Pramila Jayapal, King County Councilmember Joe McDermott, and State Representative Brady Walkinshaw come up with real answers to the tough questions their constituents have. The 7th Congressional District Debate focused mainly on the issues that are important to us here at Working Washington: workers’ rights, income equality, and whether or not Donald Trump is a fascist (3/3 candidates answered YES!).
They did more than just gloss over what’s affecting our lives, however. Each candidate searched into their records to show just how important the everyday issues are to them--and how they’d apply their experience in D.C . Representative Walkinshaw spoke about his willingness to push through legislation that would allow felons to get work more easily. Councilmember McDermott spoke about his commitment to including organizing principles in the work his office does, and pointed to a broad coalition he has built to do that. Senator Jayapal spoke about how much she values raising minimum wage across the state and, just as importantly, creating equal pay for women.
And what’s a forum without mixing it up with the crowd? Constituents had the chance to prepare questions beforehand, and our own members Martina and Taylor Phelps struck a note with the candidates--and the crowd--by asking a pointed question about the challenges of income inequality, in particular for women of color. Others asked a wide array of questions, mostly focusing on the very issues Working Washington is helping address as well.
And since Working Washington was in the house, there was time for fun too! In the lightning round, Working Washington Executive Director Sejal Parikh asked candidates about their favorite movements, favorite moments, and favorite cities. But more importantly, we got a sense of how the candidates felt on a wide array of national issues. Seeing support all across the board for Black Lives Matter was a great moment, and all of the candidates said that they too have all worked for minimum wage.
It was a great event, but don’t take our word for it. Check out the livestream here. And you know what the funny thing is about live streaming? It’s not free. So don’t leave someone out of luck who’s only dream in life is to watch our next candidate livestream! Brighten their future by donating monthly, ensuring the livestream can continue to burn brightly for all time, no matter where you are. As in starting today. Now. Here.
See you at the next debate!
March 16th: 7th Congressional District Debate
Be there March 16th at 5:00pm for a live and livestreamed debate where 7th Congressional District candidates Jayapal, McDermott, and Walkinshaw will make the case for why they're the best Congressional candidate in the race for workers. The debate is sponsored by the Martin Luther King County Labor Council and Working Washington.
Read MoreNew poll: 74% of Seattle voters support secure scheduling policies
As baristas and other workers continue to raise the issue of unstable, unpredictable workweeks, a new poll of Seattle voters by EMC Research finds overwhelming 74% support for secure scheduling policies, matching the high level of public approval for the $15 minimum wage law reached during the height of that debate.
Read MoreYakima, Olympia, King County — we’re everywhere
We are going door to door to gin up support of: raising the statewide minimum wage, making sure workers have secure scheduling, and ensuring the entire state gets paid sick leave. And when we say door to door we mean our elected officials’ offices and chambers.
Read More16,906
Workers in Olympia made a giant 15 out of 16,906 pennies in front of Olympia City Hall to represent the number of workers in Olympia who are paid less than $15/hour.
Read MoreWhen was the last time your work schedule threw your life out of balance?
The chain restaurant lobby is claiming that companies make their schedules based on “whatever is best for the employee”. Bet you're already thinking of a story that shows how wrong they are. Let us know:When was the last time your work schedule got in the way of your life?
Read MoreICYMI workers need secure scheduling
TL;DR workers talked to Seattle City Councilmembers about the need for secure scheduling.
Read MoreAccount of opposition to child labor laws in 1907 reveals business lobbyists have literally been saying the same thing for more than 100 years
You think the arguments against raising the minimum wage have gotten repetitive? Well it turns out that the pattern has actually been the same all the way back to 1907!
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