Which Seattle City Councilmembers & Candidates Will Sign on in Support of Basic Rights For Passengers & Drivers in the Uber Economy?

Hundreds have already added their names to the passenger/driver Bill of Rights, which spells out basic principles that everyone in the Uber economy should be able to expect — like safe transportation, living wages, open communication, privacy, nondiscrimination, and a voice in the rules. We're asking every Seattle City Councilmember & candidates to add their name too.

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An innovative approach to workers rights in the Uber economy

A Seattle City Council committee is considering an innovative proposal to address the fact that Uber & Lyft take advantage of a loophole to classify their drivers as “independent contractors” rather than employees. By working this loophole, these companies avoid the responsibilities that other employers have to their employees — including basic rights like minimum wage and the right to organize.

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Plaintiff in anti-$15 lawsuit tells TV reporter that businesses & jobs "will be lost"... at the exact same time he's hiring at his Seattle shop and sales are up 9%

Chuck Stempler of Alphagraphics is a named plaintiff in the lawsuit by the franchise industry arguing that Seattle's $15 law is unfair to McDonald's. As the case was argued on appeal yesterday, Stempler appeared on KOMO 4 news, telling reporter Michelle Esteban that the law is sure to have apocalyptic consequences. "People will lose their businesses," he declared severely. "Employees will lose their jobs."

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