Holly spoke to the Olympia City Council about the need for a $15 minimum wage.
Read More"None of Uber's little tricks change their responsibilities to drivers and passengers who use their app."
Working Washington Executive Director Sejal Parikh made comments at Seattle City Councilmember Mike O’Brien’s press conference announcing his proposed legislation to secure drivers’ right to organize at Uber, Lyft, and other transportation companies.
Read MoreSea-Tac Airport workers finally win $15!
Workers in and around Sea-Tac Airport fought for and, in 2013, won $15. And now, the Washington State Supreme Court has agreed, handing down its decision in favor of workers and their families. The court upheld what we’ve been saying all along in this long process - workers at Sea-Tac Airport should be paid a living wage of $15 an hour.
Read MoreDo bogus anti-minimum wage anecdotes actually *spur* restaurant growth?
The anti-minimum wage nonsense patrol has been so wrong so many times about Seattle's $15 minimum wage law that we can't help but cherrypick the data ourselves to show that maybe the bogus anti-minimum wage anecdotes themselves are actually boosting restaurant growth in Seattle.
Read MorePeople working at the airport, the city of SeaTac, and the voters WON!
In a 5-4 decision, the WA State Supreme Court ruled in favor of the voters' decision to require employers at the airport to pay fair wages and provide sick leave.
Read More"At $15 an hour I have a chance, I have a shot at living without the constant feeling of debt."
Nicola works in Olympia and testified in front of the Olympia City Council on the need for $15.
Read More$15 for Olympia: Community Day is september 26th
On September 26th at Heritage Park in Olympia, join us as workers and community members have a community day in support of $15 for Olympia. Food, live music, art projects, guest speakers, and more are all happening.
Read More$10 minimum wage AND $11 minimum compensation
The Seattle minimum wage in 2015 is $10/hr minimum wage AND $11/hr minimum compensation if you work for a smaller company or chain with less than 500 employees in total, across the country.
Read More$11 an hour
The 2015 Seattle minimum wage is $11/hr if you work for a company or chain with more than 500 employees nationally. The wages are going up again on January 1, 2016 and every year after that. The first workers get to $15/hour in 2017, and everyone gets there in the next few years afterwards.
Read MoreFour months under the new Seattle minimum wage = $1000!
The new Seattle minimum wage has been in effect since April 2015. For a full-time worker working at a company or chain with more than 500 employees nationally, you’ve seen roughly a THOUSAND more bucks in your paycheck.
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