Seen from a Bellevue McDonald's parking lot
We put this photo up on Reddit and it has stirred a conversation about low-wage jobs, poverty, homelessness, and the suburbs. Over 40,000 people have seen this photo already.
Read MoreCallous Rep Matt Manweller loses straw-man argument with himself before House Labor Committee
Touching on the various topics of daytime TV, calloused hands, green T-shirts, and the fact that things change over the course of 30 years as well as 78 years, Rep. Matt Manweller’s out-of-touch and self-satirizing get-off-my-lawn rant is must-watch video that shows it’s actually possible to use straw-man arguments — and still lose to the straw man. Just three days earlier, his committee heard personal testimony from working people about their struggles with low-wage jobs. Manweller’s rant demonstrated he must not have heard a single world they said.
Read MoreWe knew they would say that
At the Olympia hearing about the proposed bills to raise the minimum wage and create minimum standards for paid sick leave, we brought Bingo cards that predicted what the business lobbying groups would say to try and justify paying people poverty wages.
Read MoreHealthy Tacoma statement on passage of Tacoma paid sick leave ordinance
Malcolm Cooper-Suggs, a leader in the fight for $15, Happy Warrior
"McDonald’s closely monitors everything we do, from the speed of the drive-through line, to the way we smile and fold customers’ bags"
Everyone loves raising - the minimum wage
63% of Americans support a $15 minimum wage according to a new national poll. SIXTY-THREE PERCENT. That’s huge.
The poll, run by Hart Research, found that support for raising the minimum wage had jumped up across the political spectrum, ethnic groups, and regions of the nation.
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