So who here has seen their pay go up by 130% in one year?
Homecare workers stepping up to the fight for better wages and they are stepping correct!
This family is in the Fight for $15 because they can't survive on poverty wages and they shouldn't have to.
Is there something wrong with you just because your job doesn’t pay very much?
Former Starbucks President Howard Behar seems to think so. At least that’s what he said at a forum on the $15 minimum wage today.
Read MoreThe actual letter managers had to read to their fired employees at Wet Seal
Wet Seal needs to treat workers better than this — especially when they managed to pay $800,000 in cash severance to their former CEO on *his* last day.
Pays poverty wages and then dodges taxes. Not very regal Mr. Burger King.
Poverty-wage workers name Alaska CEO Brad Tilden as $15 movement's "Person of the Year"
Airline executive honored for accidentally inspiring workers in SeaTac, Seattle, and beyond to fight for $15
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