Rob McKenna wins monster endorsement in Governor's race

*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ***Contact: Sage Wilson, Working Washington —

Fierce supporters promise to help McKenna "claw his way" to the top

As Election Day draws closer and the outcome of the gubernatorial race remains balanced on a razor edge, a powerful coalition today is making a well-timed announcement of support for Rob McKenna.

"Our decision was simple: Rob McKenna has the BRAAAAAIIINS to carry out zombie priorities," a zombie leader of Monsters for McKenna explained. The zombie cited McKenna's "BRAAAAAINNNY" attempt to suck the life out of a 12¢ minimum wage increase, as well as his mindlessly-consistent embrace of lower subminimum wages for some workers as a way of improving the economy.


Zombies aren't the only creatures emerging from the shadows to reveal their support for McKenna today. The Wolfman also offered an unusual endorsement.

"Basically, I'm a lone wolf, and I don't really care about anybody else," the Wolfman stated. "That's why I could not suppress my howls of delight when I learned about McKenna's budget proposals, which would make poor & disabled people pay more while they get less from Medicaid," stated the Wolfman.

"When wolves are grown they're on their own, and that oughtta be good enough for Washington too," he added. "If we're supposed to start caring about people who need healthcare, we might as well just get defanged. That's why McKenna's pay-more/get-less plan for working families is a two-fer I can get behind, no matter what the phase of the moon."

McKenna's monster endorsers also issued a statement condemning the Good Witch's earlier announcement of her support for Jay Inslee:

"This is the high-pitched syrupy ranting of one out-of-the-mainstream witch, and it's hardly representative of the larger wand-wielding community.

It may be true as the Good Witch stated that Inslee understands there's no place like home — a home you can actually afford because you have a good job. But that doesn't change the fact that Monsters for McKenna fiercely believe there is no reason to let humans choose who should govern them on the basis of their own humanity. If Inslee would support these kinds of appalling human-first policies as Governor, then it's time they both go back on the broom they came in on.

Finally, we all know idle ballots are the devil's playground. That's why with just a week to go before election day, we urge all humans to abstain from this election and let the monsters decide for them."

Note: Additional statements from vampires, trolls, Sasquatch, and other creatures of the night are available upon request. Knock on any door with a glowing pumpkin outside to set up an interview.

Monsters for McKenna is a large and hairy coalition organizing to make sure fellow suckers of blood, brains, and guts understand what's at stake in the gubernatorial election. Leaders in the organization are fiercely committed to help McKenna claw his way to the top in order to ensure a ghoulish future for our state.


Fuelers' fight for safety & fairness will continue

*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ***Contact Sage Wilson,

Workers considering appeal; vow to continue fight for workplace safety & fairness at Sea-Tac

"Our fight for safety and fairness at Sea-Tac will continue," said Leon Sams, a Sea-Tac fueler, after hearing of the preliminary injunction issued today by Federal District Court Judge James L. Robart which restricts the right of ASIG fuelers to go on strike. "We'll continue to pursue all lawful options not prohibited by the injunction, because this decision doesn't do anything to make our working conditions safer." In an initial step in the legal process, Judge Robart sided with multinational airport contractor ASIG in its lawsuit against its own employees, issuing a preliminary injunction this morning which prevents fuelers from going on strike. Working Washington will completely comply with the injunction.

"Have no doubt," Sams added, "we will completely comply with the injunction, but we’re going to continue to stand up for safety and respect at Sea-Tac."

Fuelers employed by ASIG, who are responsible for fueling 75% of the planes at Sea-Tac, have repeatedly raised serious concerns about workplace safety & fairness at our airport with their managers at ASIG; with Alaska Airlines, the largest carrier that hires ASIG to fuel its planes; and with the Port of Seattle, the public agency that oversees our airport.

But instead of fixing faulty trucks, broken ladders, and leaking fuel nozzles, ASIG chose to retaliate against employees who raised workplace safety issues. Then the company took the unusual step of filing a lawsuit against its own employees.

"It's incredible: we have simply been asking ASIG to fix these safety issues and stop retaliating against fuelers. Instead, they took us — their own employees — to Federal Court to silence us," explained Sams, who was there in Federal Court to witness the hearing on Wednesday. "The company's approach doesn't make sense, and it won’t work. Instead of trying to silence its workers, ASIG ought to listen to us when we raise serious workplace safety & fairness concerns."

Fuelers and the legal team supporting them respect Judge Robart’s decision but believe that it wrongly interprets Federal law in issuing the injunction. Fuelers and their supporters are considering next steps, including appealing the court’s decision.


  • Documentation of some of the serious safety & fairness concerns Sea-Tac fuel technicians have raised is available online at this link:
  • Judge James L. Robart was appointed to the Federal District Court in 2004 by President George W. Bush. Judge Robart’s court is within the jurisdiction of the 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals
  • ASIG is a division of BBA Aviation plc, headquartered in London and listed on the London Stock Exchange. In 2011, BBA Aviation realized $152.1 million in net profits after taxes on revenues of $2.137 billion. ASIG is hired by Alaska Airlines and most other major carriers at Sea-Tac to fuel their aircraft. BBA CEO Simon Pryce earned $1.976 million last year.
  • Sea-Tac fuelers employed by ASIG work in difficult conditions with unsafe & faulty equipment, and earn about $10/hour, a wage which puts a family of 3 beneath the federal poverty line.

Aircraft fuelers are among the thousands of poverty-wage workers at our airport. Together, they are speaking out to make sure every job at our airport is a good job — one that offers a safe & healthy working environment, and a fair shot at a better future.

For the latest information, visit


Decision on lawsuit against Sea-Tac fuelers expected in 24-48 hours

Workers release documentation of serious safety & fairness issues

*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - OCTOBER 17, 2012 *** Contact: Sage Wilson, Working Washington:

SEATTLE - A Federal Court judge today heard arguments in a lawsuit filed by a low-wage airport contractor called ASIG against its own employees, who are responsible for safety fueling 75% of the flights at Sea-Tac. A decision on these workers' right to act together for safety & fairness is expected in 24 - 48 hours.

For months Sea-Tac fuelers have raised concerns about soft brakes, leaking fuel nozzles, and other hazardous working conditions. They have brought these issues to their managers at ASIG, the company that employs the fuelers; to the Port of Seattle, the public agency which oversees our airport; and to Alaska Airlines, the largest carrier which hires ASIG to fuel its planes.

But instead of fixing faulty trucks, broken ladders, and leaking fuel nozzles, this multi-national corporation opted to retaliate against workers and take its own employees to court in an attempt to deny their rights. The legal arguments in court today focused on whether or not the employer will be permitted to continue denying these workers their right to act together for safety & fairness.

Workers also released specific documentation of serious safety & fairness issues, including:

  • Exhibit A - Hose on stationary cart continues to leak fuel, 10/9/2012
  • Exhibit B - No latch on fuel nozzles; uniforms soiled with fuel, 10/6/2012
  • Exhibit C - Non-functioning safety equipment on truck, 10/6/21012
  • Exhibit D - Faulty fuel truck brakes, 10/5/2012
  • Exhibit E - Broken trucks taken out of service prior to FAA inspection, 10/4/2012
  • Exhibit F - Fuel pressure too high; no eye-wash station available, 9/18/2012
  • Exhibit G - Small electrical fire started on 5,000-gallon tank truck, early 2012

A packet of documentation is available online at the link below:

Aircraft fuelers are among the thousands of poverty-wage workers at our airport. Together, they are speaking out to make sure every job at our airport is a good job — one that offers a safe & healthy working environment, and a fair shot at a better future. For the latest information, visit


Federal Court hearing today on Sea-Tac fuelers' right to strike for safety & fairness

** MEDIA ADVISORY FOR OCTOBER 17, 2012 ***Contact: Sage Wilson, Working Washington:

Workers offer specific documentation of safety issues they have raised

For months Sea-Tac fuelers have raised concerns about soft breaks, leaking fuel nozzles and other hazardous working conditions. They have brought these issues to their managers at ASIG, the company that employs the fuelers; to the Port of Seattle, the public agency which oversees our airport; and to Alaska Airlines, the largest carrier which hires ASIG to fuel its planes.

But instead of fixing faulty trucks, broken ladders, and leaking fuel nozzles, this multi-national corporation has opted to retaliate against workers and take its own employees to court in an attempt to deny their rights. Today, US District Judge Robart will hear arguments on these workers' right to strike over safety & fairness issues. Specific documentation of safety issues raised by workers is available online here.

When: TODAY: Wednesday, October 17th at 9 am. Sea-Tac fuelers will be available outside the courthouse beginning at 8:45 am to offer comment on the serious safety issues they face and offer documentation of their concerns — please call to arrange an interview.

Where: U.S. Courthouse, 700 Stewart St. in downtown Seattle. Judge Robart’s courtroom is on the 14th floor

What: Federal Court hearing on Sea-Tac fuelers right to strike for safety & fairness.

More information:

Documentation of safety issues is available online here, including:

  • Exhibit A - Hose on stationary cart continues to leak fuel, 10/9/2012
  • Exhibit B - No latch on fuel nozzles; uniforms soiled with fuel, 10/6/2012
  • Exhibit C - Non-functioning safety equipment on truck, 10/6/21012
  • Exhibit D - Faulty fuel truck brakes, 10/5/2012
  • Exhibit E - Broken trucks taken out of service prior to FAA inspection, 10/4/2012
  • Exhibit F - Fuel pressure too high; no eye-wash station available, 9/18/2012
  • Exhibit G - Small electrical fire started on 5,000-gallon tank truck, early 2012

Aircraft fuelers are among the thousands of poverty-wage workers at our airport. Together, they are speaking out to make sure every job at our airport is a good job — one that offers a safe & healthy working environment, and a fair shot at a better future. For the latest information, visit



Workers overlooked in safety inspection of Sea-Tac fuel operations

On Oct. 5, Working Washington issued the following statement in response to news of an FAA inspection of safety issues in Sea-Tac fueling operation. Two days after Sea-Tac aircraft fuelers announced their overwhelming vote to authorize a strike for safety & fairness, the FAA has reportedly been called in to look into the serious safety issues workers have raised.

However, the FAA inspectors failed to speak to the workers who brought these issues to public attention. In fact, Alex Popescu — the fueler who was suspended after speaking out on safety issues and reporting a broken truck to his manager — only heard about the FAA inspection when contacted about it by the media.

Over the past several months, aircraft fuelers at Sea-Tac have repeatedly raised serious safety concerns with ASIG managers and corporate executives. They have brought serious safety issues like faulty fuel nozzles, loose brakes, and fuel-soaked work shirts directly to Alaska and the other airlines whose planes they are responsible for fueling. And they have spoken to Port Commissioners and other elected officials to make them aware of these matters.

The ASIG fuelers who have spoken out about these safety issues would be happy to talk with the FAA, the Port, Alaska Airlines, or ASIG management in order to improve safety on the job at Sea-Tac.

While the FAA has not spoken to us, workers remain ready, willing, and able to show inspectors the specific equipment they are concerned about in order to ensure that these safety problems are remedied and not swept under the rug.

Sea-Tac fuelers and faith leaders deliver strike notice to airport contractor

*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ***Contact: Working Washington: Thea Levkovitz, or Sage Wilson,

Workers begin reaching out to passengers over safety & fairness issues

Sea-Tac fueler Alex Popescu saw something, he said something, and he was suspended for it. That's what prompted fuelers to announce today that they have voted to authorize a strike over workplace safety and rights at ASIG, a low-wage airport contractor responsible for safely fueling 75% of flights at Sea-Tac.

In August, Alex testified before the Port of Seattle and showed photos of faulty equipment that affect the safety of ASIG workers. On September 12, he reported broken equipment on a truck he was supposed to drive. He was then suspended indefinitely, and has not been allowed back to work since.

Today, Alex’s co-workers were joined by faith and community leaders to demand that safety issues like soft brakes on fuel trucks, faulty fuel nozzles, and broken ladders be addressed, and that Alex be reinstated to his job. Workers should have the right to speak out on workplace safety and rights without being penalized for it.

After holding a press conference to explain the issues, fuelers and community leaders then marched together to ASIG's offices where they delivered an official notification of the strike authorization vote to ASIG's corporate offices. Fueler and supporters then returned to the airport to begin leafletting passengers about their safety & fairness concerns. (Click here to see copies of the strike authorization notice to management and the passenger alert.)

Fuelers made clear today that they are standing together for safety and fairness at Sea-Tac, and community leaders made clear that they stand with them. Fuelers are unwilling to continue to accept unsafe conditions at the airport, and they will not accept retaliation against a co-worker who spoke up for his rights at work. Now that official notification of the strike authorization vote has been delivered, what happens next is up to ASIG and Alaska and the other airlines who hire them.

For the latest information as events develop, visit

Aircraft fuelers are among the thousands of poverty-wage workers at our airport. Together, they are speaking out to make sure every job at our airport is a good job — one that offers good wages & benefits, a safe & healthy working environment, and a fair shot at a better future.
