Sea-Tac aircraft fuelers vote to authorize strike for safety & fairness at work

Contact: Thea Levkovitz, or Sage Wilson,

Possible action by fuelers could cause delays at Sea-Tac

Airport workers who fuel planes for Alaska and most other major airlines at Sea-Tac have voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike over retaliation against a co-worker who raised public concerns about safety & fairness issues at our airport. Any job action by these fuelers, who work for a low-wage contractor called ASIG, could cause disruption at Sea-Tac and ripple effects throughout the Alaska Airlines network.

Today at noon, fuelers will hold a press conference to detail the situation that prompted their difficult decision to authorize a strike. They will then deliver official notification of their vote to ASIG management.

When: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at 12 noon

Where: Cell phone waiting lot, 16601 Air Cargo Road, SeaTac, WA 98158. This lot, under the shadow of Sea-Tac's air traffic control tower, is just yards from ASIG management offices.

What: Aircraft fuelers with banners, signs, and large blown-up photos documenting safety issues will hold a press conference to explain their vote to authorize a strike. Joined by community and faith leaders, they will then deliver official notification of their strike authorization vote to ASIG management.

Sea-Tac fuelers voted to authorize a strike after their employer retaliated against Alex Popescu, a fuel technician who has been actively involved in helping co-workers organize around workplace safety issues and other concerns. In August, Alex testified before the Port of Seattle and showed photos of faulty equipment that affect the safety of ASIG workers. On September 12, Alex reported other broken equipment on a truck he was supposed to drive.

He was then suspended indefinitely, and has not been allowed back to work since.

Alex's co-workers are demanding that he be reinstated to his job, and that the safety issues he has raised be addressed and workers' rights respected. They made the difficult decision to authorize a strike only after exhausting every other option, including phone calls, petitions, and direct appeals to the management of ASIG and the airlines who hire ASIG to safely fuel their planes.

"This is about our right to speak out about safety & fairness," explained Gary Yancey, a 14-year fueler. "It's not safe for us to be driving broken trucks. Trying to get rid of someone who was speaking out for all of us doesn't make the airport any safer, and we can't let them get away with it."

Aircraft fuelers are among the thousands of poverty-wage workers at our airport. Together, they are speaking out to make sure every job at our airport is a good job — one that offers good wages & benefits, a safe & healthy working environment, and a fair shot at a better future.

For the latest information, visit


"McKenna for Rent": Protestors to confront big-dollar donors at two McKenna fundraising events

*** MEDIA ADVISORY FOR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 ***Contact: Sage Wilson, Working Washington: 206-227-6014,

Members of 99% SuperPAC to "evict" landlord campaign cash and declare "unhappy hour" for low-wage workers

TUESDAY IN TUKWILA & BELLEVUE - Rob McKenna plans to raise tens of thousands of dollars in campaign cash at two separate big-bucks fundraisers on Tuesday — and the 99% will be there to raise their voices in a day of action against the McKenna agenda of tax loopholes, budget cuts, and low wage jobs.

99% SuperPAC Day of Action at McKenna fundraisers:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


"McKenna for Rent": protest of landlord fundraiser

When: 12 noon, Tuesday September 25, 2012

Where: Doubletree Southcenter, 16500 Southcenter Parkway, Tukwila

What: Leaders of the 99% SuperPAC (People's Action Committee) from communities across the area will converge at a lunchtime fundraiser organized by the state's biggest landlord lobby group, the Washington Apartment Association, and attempt to "evict" big-dollar campaign cash from our political system. Low-income tenants will speak out about the unfairness of a system where rich property owners can invest their rent money to support a candidate whose agenda would make it even harder for tenants to make ends meet — a system that essentially puts candidates & policies up for rent to the highest bidder.


"McKenna for McJobs": protest of restaurant association fundraiser

When: 3:30 pm, Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Where: El Gaucho Bellevue, 450 108th Avenue NE, Bellevue

What: Protestors to declare fundraiser by anti-minimum-wage group at wildly expensive restaurant to be an "unhappy hour" for low-wage workers. Members of the 99% will rally and speak out against McJobs and against the attempts to undermine the minimum wage backed by McKenna, the Restaurant Association, and the big corporate chains that fund them both.


More Information:

The Washington Apartment Association, the biggest landlord lobby group in Washington, has said they hope to raise $10,000 to back the McKenna agenda. Last year, they spent more than $45,000 lobbying at the State Capitol in Olympia — more than many of their renters earn. Now they want to take the rent their tenants pay them and turn it into big bucks for McKenna. Their goal: to further advance their 1% agenda, which includes making it easier to evict tenants from their homes, fighting controls on screening fees, and opposing health & safety inspections of rental housing.

The Washington Restaurant Association is infamous for their long opposition to the minimum wage, and for pushing the interests of the notorious low-wage employers like McDonalds, Wendy's, and Coca-Cola who serve on their board. The Restaurant Association opposed the 1998 initiative which tied minimum wage increases to inflation, and the group has repeatedly tried to push for special sub-minimum wages for some kinds of workers. In 2010, they even sued to try and block a 12¢ minimum wage increase. Rob McKenna has supported them almost every time — maybe that's why they expect to raise tens of thousands of dollars to back the McKenna agenda.


Chapters of the 99% SuperPAC (People’s Action Committee) are springing up in neighborhoods from Renton to Bellevue to Everett in response to a political system that seems to serve as an investment vehicle for the 1%, Together, members of the 99% SuperPAC are organizing to stand up against the campaign cash of the 1% and support a 99% political agenda of good jobs, tax fairness, and economic justice. The 99% SuperPAC is a project of Working Washington. More info at

Port Commission fails to rein in Port CEO

Workers & community ask: "which side are you on?"

*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE *** Contact: Sage Wilson, Working Washington:

Under pressure from a major public controversy over CEO pay, Port of Seattle Commissioners today ultimately took a pass on the hard decision before them. Instead of reining in CEO Tay Yoshitani, they opted simply to appoint an independent counsel to "review" their CEO's controversial position with a company that moves goods through our port.

"The port needs to prioritize," said Genevieve Aguilar of Puget Sound Sage. "Of course they need to take a second look at a half-million-dollar paycheck for their CEO — and it's also about time the Port started 'reviewing' the thousands of poverty-wage jobs at our airport and seaport."

Sea-Tac airport fueler Alex Popescu drove the real issue home in his public testimony:

"The issue at hand right now is a CEO that makes as much as 18 people that work for poverty wages. And he wants to add a second job to make even more money. The Port needs to start focusing on the real issue: creating jobs that are able to sustain a family and provide a real living wage."

Alex continued:

"Which side are you on? Are you on the side of the workers who make the airport run safely and smoothly every day, or are you on the side of big business, big corporations, and money-hungry CEOs?"

After today's Port Commission meeting, the thousands of people who called and emailed their concerns are still left without a clear answer.



Port Commissioners to consider CEO's future at hearing today

*** MEDIA ADVISORY FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 ***Contact: Sage Wilson, 206-227-6014

Workers & community members will ask Port leadership to show which side they're on

TODAY IN SEATTLE - As controversy continues to swirl over Port CEO Tay Yoshitani's side income with a company that moves goods through our port, a deeply divided Port Commission will convene this afternoon to debate his future.

Yoshitani ignited a major public controversy when it was discovered that in addition to his public-sector Port job — which pays more than $365,000 a year — he has lined up a new and lucrative side gig as a director at Expeditors International, which pays more than $230,000 annually.

When: TODAY - Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 1 pm

Where: Port Commission Chambers: 2711 Alaskan Way (Pier 69)

What: Public testimony and Commission debate over CEO Tay Yoshitani's future. Low-wage workers from our seaport and airport will be there to speak out about Yoshitani's money grab and ask Port leadership to support good jobs for the 99%, not greed for the 1%.

Many workers and community leaders are outraged that at the same time as Port leadership argues over whether or not the CEO should be taking in a half-million dollars a year, they have done nothing to address a far larger crisis: the thousands of poverty-wage jobs at our airport and seaport. These low-wage jobs include port truck drivers, taxi cab operators, ground transportation workers, baggage handlers, aircraft fueling technicians, cabin cleaners, passenger service assistants, cargo workers, and skycaps.

This Commission hearing will help answer the question the people of King County are asking: will Port leadership side with the 99% by exercising their responsibility to stop Tay Yoshitani's money grab and standing up for good jobs at our port? Or will they side with the greed of 1% corporate interests?

For more information about how workers at our airport and seaport are standing up for good jobs, visit



Diverse clergy to lead hundreds on march to Alaska Airlines headquarters calling for good jobs at our airport

***MEDIA ADVISORY FOR SEPTEMBER 7, 2012***Contacts: Thea Levkovitz,; Sage Wilson,

Faith communities are joining a growing chorus calling for good jobs at Sea-Tac airport.

This Friday, a diverse delegation of clergy, including Muslim, Christian and Sikh leaders, will lead a march of more than 500 workers and community supporters calling on Alaska Airlines to make every airport job a good job. Faith leaders and airport workers will attempt to deliver a letter to Alaska’s CEO as hundreds rally in support at Angle Lake Park in SeaTac, immediately adjacent to Alaska's headquarters.

WHAT: Major march led by diverse clergy, including Muslim, Christian and Sikh leaders, calling on Alaska Airlines CEO Brad Tilden to ensure Alaska makes sure its contractors provide good jobs.

WHEN: Friday, September 7, 2 pm

WHERE: Delegation will gather outside the SeaTac Doubletree near the airport at 18740 International Blvd, then march to Alaska Airlines corporate headquarters at 19300 International Blvd. in SeaTac, WA 98188. Hundreds of supporters will march and rally at Angle Lake Park immediately adjacent to Alaska Airlines headquarters.

Alaska Airlines, based in SeaTac, is considered a leader for its recent success in customer service. However, the airline has come under growing pressure from workers and community leaders for the conditions of thousands of poverty-wage workers at our airport who work for Alaska Airlines-contracted companies. These workers — including skycaps, baggage handlers, fuelers, cabin cleaners, and more — provide critical services to Alaska passengers. Many of these workers are immigrants and refugees from around the world who came to our region seeking a better life.

Alaska is the dominant airline at our airport, representing more than half the flights there. Workers and community leaders are calling on Alaska to make sure its success is shared with all the workers who make it possible.

For additional information:

Working Washington, a Washington based non-profit coalition of individuals, neighborhood associations, immigrant groups, civil rights organizations, people of faith, and labor united for good jobs and a fair economy.


Workers & seniors rally to say: "Medicare & Medicaid Cuts Make Us Sick"

***MEDIA ADVISORY FOR AUGUST 30, 2012***Contact: Sage Wilson, Working Washington:

On the day Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan formally accept the Republican nomination...

Workers & seniors rally to say: "Medicare & Medicaid Cuts Make Us Sick"

99% to march from First Hill hospital district to Republican Rob McKenna's campaign office

On the day Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan accept their nominations in Tampa, the 99% will rally in Seattle's First Hill hospital district and march to Rob McKenna's campaign office to call for an end to Republican budget plans that include tax cuts for big corporations and the top 1%, and Medicare & Medicaid cuts for the rest of us. Together, workers, seniors, and community activists will speak out for a different set of priorities and send an unmistakeable message: "Medicare & Medicaid Cuts Make Us Sick".

Like Romney and Ryan, Rob McKenna is pushing a budget agenda that that would force deep cuts to Medicaid for seniors and disabled people — while also making it harder to close corporate tax loopholes. Maybe that's why McKenna recently said "There's no better expert on the federal budget than Representative Ryan."

When: Thursday, August 30th at 11:00 am

Where: 99% protestors will gather at corner of Boren & James in heart of First Hill hospital district.  After brief rally, march will head to Rob McKenna's campaign office at 601 S King Street, Seattle

What/visuals: Workers & seniors marching from First Hill to Rob McKenna's campaign office with signs, banners, and several 3-foot-diameter Mr. Yuk faces to say "Medicare & Medicaid cuts make us sick".

About the McKenna/Romney/Ryan budget proposals: 

  • The Ryan budget would end Medicare & Medicare as we know them. Ryan would hand Medicare over to private insurance companies, increase costs, and make seniors wait 2 additional years before receiving benefits at all. Funding for Medicaid would be slashed by more than a third, eliminating benefits for at least 14 million people.
  • Rob McKenna is pushing a state budget that would force further reductions to Medicaid services for seniors and people with disabilities — while making it harder to close corporate tax loopholes or make sure the rich pay their fair share.
  • McKenna has endorsed the Romney/Ryan ticket and praised Ryan by saying there is "no better expert" on the Federal budget than him.
  • The Romney/Ryan/McKenna agenda would slash services and eliminate thousands of jobs — at a time when we have already lost more than 15,000 jobs due to state budget cuts in the last year alone.


Working Washington is bringing people together to fight for a fair economy. We are speaking out to demand that our political leaders do what it takes to invest in good jobs and move the economy forward. We need good jobs — not cuts to funding for education, health care, and other services. For more information, visit 

No candidate or candidate's committee authorized this ad. It is paid for by Working Washington, 15 S. Grady Way, Ste 500, Renton, WA.