Using slogan "#GoPuffYourself", GoPuff workers on strike today for better pay, flexible shifts, and deactivation protections

"I realized I was working 40 hours a week, delivering 120 bags, and my pay was cut in half from one week to the next. How is that possible? How does GoPuff have so much control over how I'm being compensated if we're supposed to be "partners"?

We’re taking action together to make change.
 Without drivers working together, GoPuff management will continue to divide us & exploit us all."

—Ronald Moody, GoPuff driver

This morning, hundreds of GoPuff drivers across the country are on strike to demand higher pay, flexible shift access, and protection from unfair deactivation. A delegation of leaders will also be protesting outside GoPuff's corporate headquarters in Philadelphia. 

Drivers on the schedule are refusing to work their shifts today. Co-workers are refusing to pick up those shifts. And the company is feeling the impact. 

GoPuff—the ultra-fast convenience food delivery company now worth $15 billion—has been raking in money from investors and its executives have been getting rich — all while the company slashes pay for workers, cuts bonuses, and limits access to shifts. 

That’s why drivers are coming together to make it clear: with no drivers, there’s no GoPuff. 

Whether you’re a fellow gig worker, a GoPuff customer, or you just support workers’ rights, you can show your support for GoPuff drivers and follow along online at #GoPuffYourself. Making noise & showing support today is key to getting GoPuff to meet workers' demands and getting elected officials to make the gig economy pay up. 

Here's how you can help:

Back in July, hundreds of GoPuff drivers signed on to an open letter demanding big changes at the company. And in recent weeks, drivers in Philadelphia, Michigan, and more have walked out.

Now, workers are coming together and taking action at dozens of warehouses in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Georgia, Michigan, Alabama, Texas, Indiana, and across the country.

Will you show your support for striking drivers by sharing today’s action on Twitter and on Facebook?

Together, we’re going to make GoPuff—and the rest of the gig companies—pay up.


GoPuff recently landed a $1 billion dollar investment — and the very same week they slashed pay, cut bonuses, and limited access to shifts. Now GoPuff workers around the country are coming together to take action, united around the following demands:

  • Better pay: Raise the hourly guarantee to at minimum $20/hour, PLUS the cost of our mileage during work time at the IRS rate. We are responsible for gas, repairs, and all other expenses — so the hourly subsidy should cover all the hours we work, whether it's scheduled or unscheduled.

  • Flexible access to shifts: We need GoPuff to give a guaranteed minimum number of hours to all drivers, and give us the ability to drop & schedule shifts freely. We need the flexibility we’ve been promised.

  • Deactivation protection: We need a clear explanation of causes for termination, no terminations without a specific cause, and a third-party appeal process.  If GoPuff calls us independent contractors, they shouldn't let warehouse managers decide on terminating us.

Learn more about the demands and follow updates all day Tuesday.