Statement regarding today’s ruling in Janus v. AFSCME

 "Today's ruling abandons over 40 years of precedent. It shows five judges can't handle the truth that strong labor unions have played a central role in building a more equitable economy and putting meaningful checks & balances on corporate power.

The Janus case came before the court as the result of a decades-long, multi-billion-dollar campaign to shift money and power from workers to the wealthy. It also came with an accidental poetic flourish: Janus is the Roman god of beginnings and endings, of change and transition, of passageways connecting past and future.

Here in Washington, we're already leading the way to new futures for workers rights. Working Washington and Fair Work Center have partnered with unions and community groups over the past several years to win the nation's first $15 minimum wage law, Seattle's landmark secure scheduling ordinance, paid sick days, paid family leave, and more. We've scaled up new approaches to community-based outreach & enforcement of worker rights laws. We're building a groundbreaking Seattle Domestic Workers Alliance that will take nannies & house cleaners from invisible to powerful. And more.

And regardless of what economic realities the Supreme Court chooses to dismiss, workers in our state will continue to build their power and organize towards a world where everyone can support themselves, contribute to the economy, and participate in our communities."

 — Rachel Lauter, Executive Director of Working Washington and Fair Work Center