"Congratulations, it's unpaid"

If you've ever worked at Starbucks or ever been a customer there, you might have an opinion about the company's controversial new parental leave policy that would provide different amounts of leave to different types of parents. We want to hear about it.

Under the Starbucks policy, a new parent who works in a store would get far less paid leave than a new parent who works in corporate. In fact, a new parent who works in a store wouldn’t get any paid parental leave at all, unless they’re the birth mother. 

It's great they're taking a step forward on this issue, but there's a reason that "Congratulations, it's unpaid" doesn't sounds like much of a celebration, you know?

Find out more and let us know what you think about this controversial policy that treats different types of parents so differently. 

Whether you work in a store or work in an office, everyone needs time to care for their families. That’s why more & more companies are providing paid family leave. That’s why we’re seeing real momentum behind the issue in the State Legislature.

And that’s why we need companies like Starbucks to lead the way and offer policies which recognize that all of us need time to care. 

Take a look at the Starbucks policy and let us know what you think.