Secure Scheduling had its most critical victory yet yesterday, and an end to unpredictable, unstable scheduling practices could come to an end next Monday!
the 9/13 Committee meeting on secure scheduling
Yesterday Working Washington and our allies have gotten secure scheduling legislation moved out of committee to a final, full vote of the Seattle City Council. And guess what? It was a unanimous decision. This is no longer a long shot or wishful thinking; a vote for real, substantive change for thousands of workers is happening in less than week. Here’s four things you should know:
1. Workers got this done: Through hundreds of emails, letters, phone calls, and public comments to the city council, we were able to show the city council this is more than an’s a necessity. This is people power, plain and simple.
2. This is a huge deal: Not since the $15 minimum wage increase has such important legislation for workers been considered in Seattle.
3. Can’t stop, won’t stop: The Seattle secure scheduling legislation being proposed is so strong that it could serve as not just a model for the rest of the state, but the nation
4. You can still help: Don’t miss out on the action thinking you woulda, coulda, shoulda helped. Hop on the bandwagon! Donate here (I mean, come on, you knew we’d ask) or take a minute to sign onto our letter to the council before the vote.
This coming Monday, the 19th at 2 pm, a lot of lives could change for the better in Seattle with this vote. Thanks for making that go from a possibility to an inevitably.