Did you see the news? Fast food workers in more than 150 cities in dozens of states have voted to go on strike for $15/hour on Thursday, December 4th, including here in Washington. Striking workers are taking huge risks to fight for higher wages and the right to organize — join us and show your support!
Tweet a message of support on the hashtag #strikepoverty and we'll bring your words to the strikelines!
Here's how you can get involved — starting today:
- Join us online: Starting today, you can send messages of support for workers via Twitter or e-mail and we'll bring your support right to the strike lines. How? We're bringing a screen with us and slapping it up on a sign so we can broadcast your messages. Tweet a message on the hashtag #strikepoverty — or just send us your message — and we'll bring you with us!
- Join us in Olympia December 4th for a strike support rally at 3:30 p.m. at the State Capitol in Olympia, where members of the State House are meeting for hearings on issues including the minimum wage.
It was only two years ago when fast food workers in New York City first walked out on strike, sparking a new movement with their demand that the big fast food chains pay $15/hour. Our movement has already made history in SeaTac and Seattle — and we're not done yet.
We want striking workers to know you have their back. So join us on December 4th, online or in person, as workers in our state and across the country demand the fast-food giants pay $15/hour and respect our right to organize.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Online: Tweet messages of support to striking workers with the hashtag #strikepoverty and we'll bring you with us to the strike lines!
In Olympia: Rally in support of workers on strike for $15/hour and the right to organize
Gather at 3:30 pm. Program begins at 4:00 pm
State Capitol Building in Olympia