City Hall surrounded by $15 for Seattle


We are closer than ever to bringing a $15 minimum wage that will lift up all of Seattle by ensuring low wage workers can meet their basic needs and contribute to the economy. Closer, but not there yet. So we and a few hundred of our friends surrounded City Hall to show the breadth and depth of support across Seattle for $15.

We spread out holding over 1200 feet of banners with all the reasons we need $15 and all the people who will benefit.  We surrounded City Hall — the entire city block.


Support our families. Afford to survive. Live on our own. Pay the bills. We completely surrounded City Hall in downtown Seattle.


What we need is a $15 minimum wage so everyone can support themselves, afford the basics, and contribute to the economy.


This is who $15 for Seattle will benefit: women, neighbors, immigrants, youth, renters, people of color, leaders, customers, workers, EVERYONE.