Show you support $15!

Seattle is standing up for a $15 minimum wage and now you can show your support right from home! Click right here, fill out your address and we will mail you a snazzy "$15 for Seattle" window sign.

15 for Seattle Word Cloud WebgraphicNeed a reminder why we are fighting for $15 in Seattle? Check out a few of the workers' stories below.

Kyle, McDonald's "I'm a father of a 6 month old baby. I'm trying to help care for my girlfriend and our daughter, but I can’t do that on minimum wage. I don't have a car so I ride the bus back and forth everyday, taking a bus on a two hour ride to visit them in Tumwater where they are. We are trying to find a place on our own right now but it's hard on what they pay us. My life would be dramatically changed if I could afford a car, a place of our own and $15 would help get me there. 

Crystal, Domino's "I've been working at Domino's for five years and still make minimum wage. A raise to $15 an hour would help me and my son raise ourselves out of poverty. I’m a single mother. I live in a bad neighborhood and I’m trying to get out. I want to get out but it’s a struggle — it’s hard to get out on this minimum wage. I want to go back to school but right now I'm living check to check. I get food stamps and child care subsidies but it's a constant day to day struggle. I don’t know how many hours I am going to get each week, sometimes up, sometimes down. I love my job, I like to work, I just wish it would pay a little more."

Luis, McDonald's "I work at the McDonald’s on Madison and it’s not possible to survive on minimum wage. I’m supporting three granddaughters because their father died. I’m taking care of them, but it is not easy to maintain a decent lifestyle for them. It’s really hard to live on minimum wage. If I was making $15 an hour they would be able to pursue a better career and wouldn’t have to only worry about their current living situation."