Hundreds of folks signed the petition demanding Subway rehire Carlos after the sandwich maker fired him in retaliation for going out on strike for better pay and the right to organize.
The story has gotten the attention of local blogs and the foodie website Delish — but people are doing even more than signing a petition.
Sera D said: “The workers in this Subway store are protesting that their employer is engaged in some pretty serious worker’s rights violations. They say that wage theft, retaliation, and intimidation are rampant here. Subway needs to get involved and make sure this doesn’t happen at any of its stores.”
Binks P said: “I can’t believe this Subway fired a worker for participating in a strike, and then tried to pin it on giving a cookie to a little kid!”
Get on Yelp and tell Subway that you’re not happy with the illegal firing of Carlos and the general intimidation this Subway has used towards its workers as they fight for better pay and the right to organize.