By Nathan Jackson We have to admit, the CEOs do have guts.
After taking a shellacking in the election these greedy CEOs think they can still work their will on Congress. They've even formed their own little private party called "Fix the Debt."
Eighty CEOs including the heads of companies like Macy's, Bank of America and our good friend JP Morgan Chase all signed on to a blatantly deceptive plan to keep tax rates low for the rich while slashing budgets for the rest of us.
They don't deserve more handouts, bailouts or presents. They deserve a lump of coal, so we're giving it to them.
The main problem we have with this group of CEOs parachuting in is because of the utter hypocrisy they are blind to. The 1% fought tooth and nail to get tax write-offs and loopholes for their companies and for their personal assets. They wanted more and more gifts while slashing hours, benefits and pay for their workers.
According to the Institute For Policy Studies, this group of CEOs are fighting hard to protect their own assets, not what is good for the economy. These CEOs and their companies if they got their way would rake in $134 Billion in tax savings. These savings for the 1% would be from profits made in foreign countries.
Another “selfless” act by these 1% CEOs is that under the Bush Tax Cuts plan they personally received $40 Million dollars in tax write offs.
They don’t care about the budget, the fiscal cliff or steering the economy back into a stronger place, they care about money in their pockets.
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein said in regards to the “Fiscal Cliff” that people need to understand that they won’t get what they need in regards to social services like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. By the way he is the CEO of the company that got over $10 Billion in public funds via bailouts. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
These CEOs think that they can dictate what happens to the budget by wrapping their desire for more tax cuts for themselves as solutions to the budget problem. Here’s a solution: make the rich pay their fair share so we can continue to have the programs we need.
We are delivering a shovelful of coal on December 12th. Sign up and we’ll add your coal to the rest.
Elections have consequences. We had the choice to put a CEO in power and we rejected that. We won’t let the CEOs of Macy’s, Bank of America or Chase Bank put our economy down the same path that got us into trouble in the first place.
We want an economy that works for the rest of us. We can stop these budget cuts if we use our voices and in this case deliver some coal to CEOs who’ve earned it.