by Nate Jackson On August 30, the 1% will be celebrating as Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney formally accept the Republican nomination. Rob McKenna will be cheering them on since all three have the same tired, 1% agenda: ending Medicare and Medicaid as we know it, giving out huge handouts to the richest 1% and expecting the rest of us to shoulder the costs.
It makes me sick.
Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are campaigning on a budget proposal that would end Medicare and Medicaid as we know them, replacing these critical healthcare programs with cut-rate substitutes in order to pay for still more tax cuts for the rich.
McKenna has talked about a budget plan that will shift costs of Medicaid onto the shoulders of our seniors, disabled and those who’ve fallen on tough times. McKenna’s proposals would eliminate thousands of healthcare jobs — at a time when more than 15,000 jobs have been lost in just the past year due to state budget cuts.
They just don’t get it. Do Romney, McKenna, and company really think that making sickening cuts to Medicare and Medicaid while doling out tax breaks to the richest 1% will get us to vote for them?
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