Janitors and community supporters to rally for good jobs & affordable healthcare
TODAY, as immigrant students across the country celebrate a major advance that will protect against unreasonable deportations, immigrant janitors will rally with community supporters to protect the major advances they have made in recent years to improve their jobs. One of the key issues Seattle janitors are fighting to protect in contract negotiations this year: affordable healthcare benefits for their children.
The commercial real estate market in Seattle is quite healthy, with rents up and office employment growing. But instead of sharing the success, building managers are proposing to substantially increase the cost of family healthcare for this largely immigrant workforce.
When: TODAY: Friday, June 15, 2012, 3:00 pm
Where: Westlake Park, 401 Pine Street, Seattle, WA 98101
What: Janitors and community supporters rally for good jobs and affordable family healthcare
Working Washington is one of many organizations joining workers, community leaders, people of faith, elected officials in support of the Justice for Janitors campaign. U.S. Congressman Jim McDermott, King County Executive Dow Constantine, Church Council of Greater Seattle Director Michael Ramos, and Martin Luther King County Labor Council Executive Secretary David Freiboth are among those who will be joining today's rally for good jobs and strong communities.
For more information on today's rally and other issues facing Seattle-area janitors, contact Tania Maria Rosario of SEIU Local 6 at (206) 850-5021.