Today: Bellevue office of "The Grinch Who Stole Congress" to be occupied

Local Grinch helped steal Congress for the 1% with millions in campaign contributions

With extended unemployment benefits set to begin expiring at the end of the year, local community members are taking the call for "jobs, not cuts" straight to the place where the real power seems to lie: the office of a key local grinch of the 1%.

Community members will occupy the Bellevue office of a leading local grinch who has given almost $2 million in the past few years to politicians in Washington State and Washington DC who are backing severe cuts to unemployment, healthcare, education, and other programs which serve the 99%.

When: Monday, December 19th at 12 noon

Where: Bellevue Square Mall. We will meet outside the Crate & Barrel (555 Bellevue Square NE) for about 10-15 minutes of grinch-themed carols before we proceed to the local grinch's nearby office.

What: Grinch in full costume will join local jobless people, students, workers, and others to occupy the office of a key member of the 1%. They'll share carols and stories and try and grow the grinch's heart a few sizes bigger.

How the Grinch Stole Congress!

The grinches of the 1% seem to have stolen Congress from the rest of us with millions in campaign contributions to push a grinchy all-cuts agenda. That's why less than a week ago, the US House of Representatives voted in favor of HR 3630, a proposal which would reduce unemployment benefits for Washington workers by 40 weeks, cutting benefits entirely for 62,000 people in this state and more than 3 million across the country. Congressman Dave Reichert (R - Bellevue), who receives support from our local Grinch, voted in favor of this reduction in unemployment benefits.

Unemployment insurance is a lifeline for thousands of people who struggling in the tough economy. It's also a popular program with broad support among economists and the public. And yet Congress has failed to pass an extension of these benefits, which are set to begin running out at the end of the year.

More information:

According to the latest figures from the US Department of Labor:

  • Half of all unemployed workers have been out of work for more than six months
  • There is only one job opening for every 4 people looking for work
  • The unemployment rate has been above 8.5 percent for more than 31 months, longer than at any time since the Great Depression.

Working Washington is bringing people together to fight for a fair economy. We are speaking out to demand that our political leaders do what it takes to invest in good jobs and move the economy forward. We need jobs — not cuts to funding for education, health care, and other services. For more info, visit
