The 99 percent are fed up with economic injustice.
We want a better today where we can find good jobs and a better future for our children. Greedy CEOs have had their chance to run things, and we’ve seen what happened as a result: bailouts, tax giveaways to out of state corporations and massive cuts to public services. Enough!
Now, it’s time for our priorities. Invest in our communities by creating good jobs around the work that needs doing, like our crumbling infrastructure. On November 17th you can add your voice as hundreds of your neighbors rally at Montlake Bridge.
Bridges need work, and so do we.
As a way of showing the world what we’re willing to do for good jobs, today the 99 percent appeared on the Today Show.
Hosted by Kathy Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb, the Today Show was filming from Pike’s Place Market Thursday and we were there. We had signs proclaiming “Today is a good day for a good job” and “I got 99% problems, but a job ain’t one. Employ me,” and “Today’s Forecast: No Jobs.” We even got co-host Hoda Kotb to pose with us for a photo.
We see two bridges ahead of us. One is safe, up to code and leads up to a solid, good job and a steady future when public services and companies invest in our communities. The other bridge continues down the path of tax giveaways for the rich, greedy CEO bonuses and slashing budgets from important work like fixing our bridges, roads and highways.
We choose the first bridge. Working Washington members and some University of Washington students took to the streets over the 520 highway to fight for good jobs by building up our infrastructure. We talked to people about why we weren’t going to take things sitting down. We were fighting for good jobs. Cars and buses honked in support as we told them that we need to put people back to work right now with an active plan, not wait for the economy to somehow “right itself.”
We have seen what happens when greedy CEOs and out of state corporations make all the decisions with no one holding them accountable. People are laid off, unemployed and can’t provide for their families. Meanwhile, companies sit on record profits and keep lobbying for more tax giveaways while refusing to hire. We won’t accept it.
We’ve worked too hard to let our future slip through our fingers so we will gather, support each other and let our voices be heard.
We want to hear your voice too. You can join us on Nov. 17 at Montlake Bridge and tell these CEOs and corporations that they need to invest in good jobs right here in our communities. If no one else will hold them accountable we will. We are the 99% and we’re not going to sit idly by and watch.
We’re crossing the first bridge. Join us!