The CEOs Just Don't Get It

By Nate Jackson We are having a hard time finding good jobs. We are struggling to find work that treats us with respect and allows us to take care of our families. We are asking the question, “Where are the good jobs?”

Meanwhile, CEOs and lobbyists of the Association of Washington Businesses are asking “Where will the money come from?”  Seriously. That is the title of one of the talks lead by JP Morgan Chase Regional Director Phyllis Campbell at the annual conference held on Wednesday. They just don’t get it and we are going to explain it to them.






The CEOs are meeting at an out of the way exclusive golf resort in Cle Elum to figure out how to squeeze working families for more of our money while cranking up profits. They have an audience of policy makers like Governor Chris Gregoire and other elected officials who are supposed to be representing us.

Gregoire is not only going to sit through such talks as “What are Americans thinking?,” she’s giving the key note speech. She needs to be listening to us, not rubbing elbows with CEOs who broke our economy.

We’re thinking that it is time for greedy CEOs to do their part to create good jobs, not cut working families out of their future. We need good jobs. Not part time, no benefits, no respect jobs that don’t pay our bills or let us have a brighter tomorrow. We need good work right now and we’re telling the CEOs exactly what we think.

No more bonuses. No more bailouts. No more tax breaks. CEOs have had enough handouts from us.  Now it’s time they gave back. The only question they should be asking is “How can we create good jobs for Washington State?”

We are telling them in their meetings, at their offices and even in the streets. We have plenty to say and they will hear us loud and clear if we join together and keep up the pressure.  Come join us at 3rd and University in downtown Seattle on Wednesday (today) and tell the CEOs that they need to do more to create good jobs, not dangle us upside down and shake out the last bits of change we have