Speak out for good jobs Monday with Rep. Smith

Unemployment is still rising, and most of Congress isn’t paying attention. Rep. Adam Smith is one of the good ones. He wants to hear from you about the effects of joblessness on your family and your community.

Join us on Monday, August 22nd at A veteran speaks out for good jobsHighline Community College to have a conversation with Rep. Smith about how Washington state needs good jobs now.

The recession may be over for the very rich, but it’s not over for the rest of us. Rep. Smith is ready to take our message back to the other Washington and call on Congress to focus on creating good jobs for our communities.

Will you meet us at 11:30 am so that Rep. Smith can hear your story and see for himself just how many people need good jobs now?

Join us to call for Good Jobs Now! Speak out for good jobs now with Rep. Smith Monday, August 22 11:30 am to 1:00 pm (doors open at 10:45 am) At Highline Community College, Building 7 South 240th Street and Pacifica Hwy South, Des Moines, WA

CLICK HERE to commit to joining us and calling on Congress to create good jobs for our communities?

We’ve had enough of rising unemployment. We’re ready to work, and we’re ready to make the call for good jobs loud and clear so that Congress can hear us.