The Olympian: Olympia minimum wage rally passes through Capital Mall

The Olympian, 4/15/2015:

“This is an ongoing fight. We’re not going to give up,” said Atkins-Pattenson, adding that a minimum wage lower than $15 an hour is not enough. “We are going to continue to fight until we win.”

Working Washington also helped mobilize people for rallies in Yakima, Pasco, Federal Way and Seatac. Participants in Olympia were invited to board a bus to the Capitol Campus before heading up to downtown Seattle for a culminating march in the afternoon. 

The Olympian: Crowd gathers to support $15 per hour wage in Olympia

The Olympian:

An energetic crowd of about 50 people gathered in downtown Olympia on Thursday to rally support for a $15 per hour minimum wage in the city.

The rally was organized by Working Washington, a group known for supporting similar causes in SeaTac and Seattle.

The rally started at Sylvester Park about 2 p.m., and continued to Olympia City Hall. The group did not march in the street, but took sidewalks to city hall.