Is Bill Murray working in the Office of the Code Reviser? Because the State Senate Labor, Commerce and Sports committee is marking Groundhog Day today by continuing a more than decade-long loop of unending attempts to carve out exemptions in our state’s highly popular minimum wage law.
Read MoreDetails on the February 2nd hearing on proposals to roll back the minimum wage
We will be meeting at 1:00pm at the Sundial behind the Capitol bulding so we can head in together as a show of strength. Look out for someone in a green Working Washington T-shirt holding a green Working Washington sign!
Read MoreFrom Yakima Valley to the State Capitol for paid family leave
Margarita Roman's husband suffers from cancer and she needs to take time off from her work in the fields to care for him. But that's not easy on a farmworker's wages
With pen & paper, Donald Trump today declared war on immigrant workers, their families, their co-workers, and their communities.
In other words: on all of us
Read More"And unable to afford childcare when they do return to work."
I worry that when people welcome a child into their family, they are unable to get the time needed to establish care and a bond with their child without a huge loss of earning and/or even being able to afford to take the time needed to recover from childbirth and/or establish a bond if adopted, and unable to afford childcare when they do return to work.
Read More"I was the primary caregiver for my partner of 25 years who was battling ALS"
The ill are society's responsibility. Either we provide family members with the tools to care for one another or make government responsible for that care.
Read More"Last October, my mom's doctor called me to say that Mom had reached end-stage pulmonary disease"
Mom lived in a different city than my home. I am very fortunate that my employer provides paid leave time, as it allowed me to spend the last week of my mom's life with her and with her sister, my aunt.
Read MoreA step closer to paid family leave
Well here's some good news from the State Capitol — a State House committee voted this afternoon to advance a bill that would provide workers in our state up to 26 weeks of paid family leave
Read More"Do you believe time spent with family is more important than time spent working?"
I am the sole provider for a family of four. If I get terminally ill or cannot work for any reason, how will my family survive? On top of that, I have no faith in my government to actually do anything to help the 50% of our population who are poor and living in poverty.
Read More"a huge mental burden from the issue at hand"
If you have a sick family member, the fact that you won't have to worry about a smaller pay check removes a huge mental burden from the issue at hand.
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