Scheduling Survey

Our working lives are out of balance: companies like Starbucks, Safeway, Amazon, and McDonald’s are demanding we offer them 24/7 availability — but they're not offering us the flexibility we need to care for our families, contribute to our communities, and live our lives.

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We are going to need a bigger bowl

Back in early April 2015, a Seattle Times editorial writer suggested that one way we could look at the impact of $15 on Seattle was to look at the pho restaurants in the city. They implied that the immigrant communities would not be able to handle higher wages or higher prices. They suggested we “follow the pho.” So we did. Turns out that in less than a year since the minimum wage phase in began we are up +4.

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What if Ronald McBaumgartner’s greatest fear came true?

Workers won $15 in Seattle, the city is booming, and the far right is starting to panic. After all, they’ve tried to scare us for decades with a sky is falling story whenever people raise wages or put into place worker protections. So when Seattle raise wages and booms, they start getting desperate. The latest tantrum comes from State Senator Michael Baumgartner from the Spokane area (where they just passed a citywide paid sick leave ordinance).

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