Uber’s lobbyists deactivated, workers rights surging

Less than an hour ago, by a unanimous vote, Seattle City Council passed legislation closing a loophole in workers rights laws so that taxi, for-hire, and on-demand drivers can organize and bargain over their pay and working conditions.

“Drivers across the country are watching what’s going on here today,” says Don Creery, a Seattle driver for both Uber and Lyft who was recently featured in the New York Times. Don went into debt when he bought a new car for his job—then watched as Uber & Lyft cut his pay with little notice and without him having any say. After today, he says, “They have to sit down with us and negotiate. We have to have a say.

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Seattle City Council: Give Drivers a Voice

All over Seattle, passengers and drivers for on-demand services like Uber and Lyft, as well as other supporters are standing up to say: It's time to make sure drivers for companies like Uber & Lyft get the same access to workers' rights as everyone else. We all have the right to organize with other workers and bargain over our pay and our work.

Seattle City Council: Drivers and passengers deserve rights in the Uber economy. It's time to pass the "Voice for Drivers" legislation.

Who's supporting this bill, and why? Here are some of our voices:

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