Jasmin Ferrante spoke to the Tacoma City Council telling them that Tacoma needs a raise.
Read MoreRegarding Tacoma minimum wage task force recommendation for a phased-in $15 minimum wage
An opportunity like this only comes once in a generation: the Tacoma City Council has the chance to pass a minimum wage plan that raises up our city, boosts our economy, and gets every worker to a $15/hour minimum wage. Too bad that some of the phase-in schedules being discussed would leave workers waiting a whole generation to get there
Read MoreIn Wenatchee, forced to choose between risking your fast food job and risking your life
When workers at the Sonic Drive-In in Wenatchee were threatened by the massive Sleepy Hollow wildfire, the manager on duty attempted to get the Director of Operations to give the ok for the restaurant to shut down early for the night in order to keep everyone safe. But the supervisor refused, and reportedly even threatened to fire anyone who left early.
Read MoreAre the business lobbyists losing their grip on reality?
The business lobbyists who spent last year concocting an alternative reality of looming economic armageddon are holding an event to meet with political candidates in a location that shows just how out of touch they were: a new business celebrating its Grand Opening.
Read MoreTell the Tacoma Minimum Wage Task Force: Tacoma needs a raise to $15.
In less than 2 weeks, the Tacoma Minimum Wage Task Force is going to announce their proposal for a new minimum wage in Tacoma. Let's make sure they hear from working people, and make sure that they hear that Tacoma needs a raise to $15.
Read MoreTacoma business group makes the case for $19.85 minimum wage!
Desc The Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber is trying to convince people that $15/hour is too luxurious for Tacoma. Too bad their own rent figures make the case for a $19.85/hour wage
Read More"You wouldn't have to worry about paying your bills and ONLY paying your bills."
"There definitely should be a raise in the minimum wage to $15. Because there’d be a lot more money made, and you wouldn’t have to worry about paying your bills and then only paying your bills. You can instead of just living to work, work to live."
Read More"$15 an hour minimum wage would give us the chance to actually support ourselves."
"It’s been very rough, living off of these wages for over 10 years, and now I have a daughter of three months that I’m trying to support. And it’s a lot of work, supporting a kid and just trying to make ends meet."
Read MoreNational Fast Food Worker Convention 2015
Worker leaders with Working Washington from across the state joined over 1,300 fast-food workers from all across the country at the national Fight for $15 convention in Detroit this weekend.
Read MoreA year after Seattle’s minimum wage ordinance is signed into law, the sky remains aloft
In the year between the first Seattle fast food strikes and the passage of Seattle’s landmark $15 minimum wage law, business lobbyists and self-appointed experts insisted that they knew what happen if we raised the minimum wage. It was Economics 101, they’d say: higher wages would surely sink the economy. Businesses would be destroyed. Franchises would cease to exist. Prices would rise 25% or more. Open for business signs would go dark, owners would move to Texas, and Seattle would become a city of Cheesecake Factories. It hasn't quite turned out that way.
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