As hundreds rally outside Amazon's shareholder meeting, company makes major concession on working conditions and cuts ties to ALEC

Peaceful persistent pressure from the 99% gets results

On a cold and drizzly morning, hundreds of people gathered outside — and inside — Amazon's shareholder meeting today for a fair share protest calling on the giant retailer to stop dodging taxes, to treat all workers with respect, and to cut ties to the shadowy and extreme right-wing organization known as ALEC. In addition to the hundreds outside, the shareholder meeting itself drew 200 people today, more than twice as many people as have attended in past years.

As a thought bubble floated above the iconic Hammering Man saying "I wish Amazon paid its fair share", supporters of Working Washington, Washington CAN, Other 98, and Fuse Washington joined with hundreds of other concerned community members to seize the opportunity provided by the shareholder meeting to make sure that top executives from the giant retailer heard what the 99% had to say.

Showing once more the power of persistent, peaceful protest, Amazon's corporate leaders made substantial concessions at the shareholder meeting today: in response to repeated questions about Amazon's support of ALEC, corporate leaders announced they are not renewing their membership in ALEC. After months of pressure about working conditions — including an event that brought 2 workers from Amazon's Pennsylvania warehouse to speak out at their South Lake Union headquarters earlier this month — the company also announced they will invest $52 million to improve warehouse working conditions. We applaud these substantial moves towards social responsibility, and hope to see a similar change in their perspective on corporate tax loopholes in the months ahead.

"It was amazing to be there to hear these corporate executives respond to popular pressure by cutting ties to ALEC and investing in better conditions for warehouse workers. This really shows how public protest can take something they say is impossible and make it happen," said Rev. Angela Ying, a shareholder who attended the meeting and witnessed Amazon's concessions. Echoing the Hammering Man's thought bubble, Rev. Ying added: "But I still wish Amazon paid its fair share of taxes."

Amazon's major announcements come after months of growing public pressure over the giant retailer's record on workers and taxes, and their support of ALEC.

Working Washington is bringing people together to fight for a fair economy — and that means holding corporations like Amazon accountable to pay their fair share and make sure all the jobs they create are good jobs. We're taking creative, direct action to call on elected officials, big corporations, and the top 1% to do what it takes to stop the cuts to education, health care, and other services. It's time to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the top 1%. For more information, visit



More than 500 to attend "Fair share" rally Thursday at Amazon shareholder meeting in downtown Seattle

The 99% will call on giant retailer to pay their taxes, treat workers with respect, and dump ALEC

More than 500 people will converge at the Seattle Art Museum's Hammering Man this morning for a major "fair share" protest outside Amazon's annual shareholder meeting.

While Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and other corporate executives plan to use the shareholder meeting to celebrate their financial success, the 99% have something different planned. More than five hundred of us will rally under the Hammering Man — right outside the room where the meeting is taking place — to send a loud and clear fair share message: it's time for the giant retailer to share their success with the 99% by paying their fair share of taxes, treating workers with respect, and ending support for the extreme right-wing organization known as ALEC. When: Thursday, May 24th, 8:30 am.

Where: Amazon shareholder meeting at Seattle Art Museum, 1st & University in downtown Seattle.

What/visuals: Hundreds of workers, students, civil right activists, owners of community businesses, people affected by budget cuts, and others will hold a fair share rally at Amazon's annual shareholder meeting. Together, we'll hold a "people's shareholder meeting" and call on Amazon's corporate leaders to pay their share of taxes, treat all workers with respect, and drop support for ALEC and similar groups.


As hundreds rally outside the shareholder meeting, the voices of the 99% will be raised inside the shareholder meeting as well. Several shareholders will be there at the meeting to bring our fair share issues directly before the executives and decision-makers who have chosen to take Amazon down a path of tax-dodging, worker mistreatment, and support for the infamous and extreme right-wing policy group known as ALEC. Interviews with shareholders can be arranged.

This fair share protest of Amazon's business practices comes at the end of a "shareholder spring" that has seen major protests over tax dodging and other issues at Wells Fargo Bank, General Electric, Verizon, and other shareholder meetings.

More information on Amazon fair share issues:

  • Tax dodging: Recent figures from the tax policy research group Citizens for Tax Justice reveal that Amazon paid an effective Federal income tax rate last year of only 2.6%. They drove their rate so low primarily by taking advantage of a loophole that gives them a $1 tax deduction for every $1 in stock options they give to executives. This continues a downward trend where their tax rate falls every year — from an 11.5% rate in 2008 to a 9.1% rate in 2009 and a 5.5% rate in 2010, despite solid profits. The corporate tax rate set in law is 35%. Corporate tax dodgers report from Citizens for Tax Justice is available online:
  • Worker mistreatment: Two former workers recently spoke out at the company's headquarters about harsh conditions in Amazon's warehouses, including indoor temperatures that rose above 100 degrees. When workers collapsed from exhaustion, the company's initial response was not to improve ventilation or install air conditioning, but simply to station paramedics outside.
  • Support for ALEC: Amazon is known to have been a "Director Level" sponsor of ALEC, the shadowy and extreme right-wing organization. In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, ALEC has become notorious for its role in passing "Stand your ground" laws, as well as efforts to create tax loopholes, undermine workers rights, and make it harder for young people & people of color to vote. Now that the group has come under increased scrutiny, many large corporations — including McDonald's, Kraft, and others — have publicly dropped support for ALEC. However, Amazon has so far refused to do the same.

Working Washington is bringing people together to fight for a fair economy — and that means holding corporations like Amazon accountable to pay their fair share and make sure all the jobs they create are good jobs. We're taking creative, direct action to call on elected officials, big corporations, and the top 1% to do what it takes to stop the cuts to education, health care, and other services. It's time to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the top 1%. For more information, visit


Contact: Sage Wilson,

TONIGHT: 99% bat signal at Seattle Art Museum announces Amazon Fair Share Rally

Light projections on museum call on giant retailer to pay their taxes, treat workers with respect, and dump ALEC

Like a 99% bat signal, light projections on the Hammering Man and Seattle Art Museum tonight will spread the word about the issues behind a major 500+ person Amazon fair share rally taking place at Amazon's annual shareholder meeting, which is being held later this week at the museum.

With the power of light & art today — and with people power later this week — the 99% will call on the giant retailer to pay its fair share of taxes, treat all workers with respect, and end support for ALEC, the shadowy and extreme right-wing organization.

ALEC is responsible for pushing "stand your ground" laws, unfair tax loopholes, and other extreme legislation. As ALEC's notoriety has come to light, many major corporations like McDonald's and Kraft have officially dropped support for the group. However, Amazon has so far refused to do the same.

When: TONIGHT: Tuesday, May 22nd, beginning at about 9:30 pm.

Where: Seattle Art Museum (location of Amazon shareholder meeting later this week), 1st & University in downtown Seattle

What: Light projections on the Hammering Man and Seattle Art Museum TONIGHT in advance of a major fair share rally at Amazon's annual shareholder meeting.

Amazon's annual shareholder meeting — and our major Amazon fair share rally — will take place just two days from now, at Seattle Art Museum at 8:30 am on Thursday morning.

Working Washington is bringing people together to fight for a fair economy — and that means holding corporations like Amazon accountable to pay their fair share and make sure all the jobs they create are good jobs. We're taking creative, direct action to call on elected officials, big corporations, and the top 1% to do what it takes to stop the cuts to education, health care, and other services. It's time to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the top 1%. For more information, visit


CONTACT: Sage Wilson,

THURSDAY, 5/10: Amazon warehouse workers to lead good jobs rally at corporate headquarters

Workers from Amazon's sweatshop warehouse in Allentown, PA bring call for good jobs to executive offices in Seattle

TOMORROW, two workers from Amazon's sweatshop warehouse in Pennsylvania will lead a good jobs rally at Amazon's shiny new corporate headquarters in South Lake Union. Together with more than 100 community supporters, these workers will bring their message from Amazon's sweatshop warehouses to the company's air-conditioned executive suites: it's time for the giant retailer to deliver good jobs to the 99%.
The Amazon warehouse workers will be available for interviews throughout the day Wednesday and Thursday.
When: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 12:00 noon sharp
Where: Amazon corporate headquarters: 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle
What/Visuals: Joined by more than 100 supporters, workers from Amazon's sweatshop warehouse in Pennsylvania will speak out about working conditions and present a copy of a "Warehouse Workers Bill of Rights" at Amazon's corporate headquarters.
Good jobs rally speakers include:
  • Karen Salasky, Amazon warehouse worker who experienced indoor temperatures above 100 degrees
  • Jim Herbold, Amazon warehouse worker worker who experienced rough warehouse conditions
  • John Scearcy, Teamsters 117 President
Amazon's Allentown, Pennsylvania warehouse has become infamous for its brutal working conditions. When workers collapsed from exhaustion as indoor temperatures rose above 100 degrees and the warehouse became a literal sweatshop, the company's initial response was not to increase ventilation or install air conditioning, but simply to station paramedics outside.
Two former employees from this warehouse are coming to Seattle to bring their call for good jobs directly to Amazon's executives, employees, and hometown community. Together with more than a hundred local supporters, they'll call on the giant retailer to share its success with the workers who get the goods moving from customers' virtual shopping carts to their real-world doorsteps.
If Amazon can generate enough wealth to make CEO Jeff Bezos one of the 30 richest people in the world, they can afford to create good jobs, not abandon workers to sweatshop conditions.
Note: Warehouse workers will be available in Seattle for interviews throughout the day Wednesday and Thursday.  Contact Sage Wilson of Working Washington to arrange an interview with one of the Amazon warehouse workers.
MEDIA CONTACT: Sage Wilson, Working Washington:

Warehouse workers from Allentown to rally for good jobs at Amazon's corporate headquarters in Seattle

Send-off party for Allentown workers headed to Seattle to bring call for good jobs straight to Amazon executives  THIS TUESDAY, workers from Amazon's notorious Allentown warehouse are flying to Seattle to lead a rally at the company's glitzy new headquarters. In Seattle they will bring their message from Amazon's sweatshop warehouses to the company's air-conditioned executive suites: it's time for the giant retailer to deliver good jobs to the 99%.

Community supporters in Pennsylvania are hosting a send-off party to show support for one of these workers to wish her well as she gets ready to take her good jobs message to Amazon's corporate headquarters in Seattle.

When: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Where: Lehigh Valley International Airport, 3311 Airport Road, Allentown

What/Visuals: Send-off party for Karen Salasky, a worker from Amazon's notorious Allentown warehouse. Karen is flying out to Seattle to help lead a rally at the company's corporate headquarters in Seattle, where she will speak out about working conditions at the Allentown warehouse and present a giant copy of a "Warehouse Workers Bill of Rights".

Amazon's Allentown warehouse became notorious last year for brutal working conditions after a landmark article in the Morning Call. When workers collapsed from exhaustion as indoor temperatures rose above 100 degrees and the warehouse became a literal sweatshop, the company's initial response was not to increase ventilation or install air conditioning, but simply to station paramedics outside.

Karen Salasky of Allentown was at the warehouse and saw these conditions — and that's why she's headed to Seattle.

“I’m going to Amazon’s Seattle headquarters," Karen explained, "to tell Amazon the way they treat their warehouse employees isn’t right.”

In Seattle, Karen will take her call for good jobs directly to Amazon's executives, employees, and hometown community. Along with a second former warehouse worker from Allentown, she'll join more than a hundred community supporters in Seattle at Amazon's corporate headquarters. Together, they'll call on the giant retailer to share its success with the workers who get the goods moving from customers' virtual shopping carts to their real-world doorsteps.

If Amazon can generate enough wealth to make CEO Jeff Bezos one of the 30 richest people in the world, they can afford to create good jobs in Allentown, not abandon workers to sweatshop conditions.


Contact: Sage Wilson, 206-227-6014,