Final details for Thursday's Boycott McPoverty boycott lines & mid-day rally

THURSDAY: “Boycott McPoverty” echoes across Seattle in support of a $15/hour wage Major boycott lines during breakfast, lunch, and dinner across the city, with presence at all 25 big burger outlets in Seattle

Beginning this morning and continuing all day, fast food workers, fast food customers, and other supporters will launch boycott lines across Seattle as part of the citywide call to Boycott McPoverty by not eating at McDonald's, Burger King, or Wendy's to show support for a $15/hour wage in fast food and for all workers.

This major citywide event also includes a lunchtime outreach effort outside all 25 McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s outlets in the city.

Hi-resolution photos and other media info on dropbox, including images of boycott signs, brown bag and banner events earlier this week, a copy of the flyer being handed out to customers, and a big burger franchise fact sheet.

Major boycott lines today with signs, banners, balloons, and other visual interest


7:15 am: McDonald’s – First Hill (1122 Madison St). Note: this restaurant recently won an award from McDonald’s for having the greatest amount of breakfast business in the area.


11:15 am: Wendy’s - Lake City (11744 Lake City Way NE) 11:15 am: McDonald’s - University Village (5146 25th Ave NE) 11:15 am: Burger King - Ballard (1432 NW Market St). Note: there are nearby McDonald’s and Wendy’s locations.  11:15 am: Wendy’s - Mt Baker (2543 Rainier Ave S). Note: there are nearby McDonald’s and Burger King locations.


1:15 pm: McDonald’s - Downtown (3rd & Pine). A pro-$15, anti-McPoverty rally is planned outside the store for this time.


5:15 pm: McDonald’s - West Seattle/Admiral (3003 California Ave SW)

Complete map of all 25 big burger outlets available online at

More information:


Contact: Sage Wilson, Working Washington: