What Workers Want in 2021: give your input and help us build a workers' agenda

The end of the year is looking tough. Cases are spiking across the state, people are losing jobs as the virus surges, and more than 100,000 workers in WA could see their expanded unemployment benefits expire by the new year.

Our state leaders must step up in the upcoming legislative session by taking bold action to support workers through this crisis.

We want your input! Share your thoughts to help us shape our What Workers Want agenda & ensure workers get what we need.

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Eight billionaires in WA have gotten almost $138 billion richer since the pandemic took hold in March — all while 2.2 million people in WA can’t afford to buy groceries.

Now more than ever, we need politicians to put the needs of workers before the wishlists of the wealthy. We don’t need the same old trickle-down agenda. We need income support programs that help us put food on the table and pay our rent. We need strong workers’ rights laws that protect everyone’s health & safety. We need a just recovery built on jobs, not cuts. And we need your input.

Take ten minutes and complete the survey now! Your input will help shape a workers’ agenda to ensure we have what we need to make it through this crisis.

Big business lobbyists will be trying to take advantage of the pandemic to push their agenda of more for them and less for the rest of us.

Let’s make sure they hear What Workers Want, too.