Seattle Times columnist Thanh Tan suggested one important way to measure the impact of the $15 minimum wage would be to look at pho restaurants — whose owners, she argued, could not likely afford higher wages or higher prices.
What they said
- 4/5/2015: "If you want to gauge the impact of Seattle’s new $15 minimum wage in the coming months, follow the pho."
What's happened
Three new shops selling pho have opened up since that column was published just two months ago, and one more is on the way: Bahn Town in Greenwood and Spring Kitchen in the University District opened in April, An Nam Pho opened in Greenwood in late May or early June, and Seattle’s Best Pho & Deli is set to open soon.
New pho shop in Roosevelt.
Note: the original version of this post said Tan wrote following the pho was the "best" way to measure the impacts of $15. That is not accurate and the language has been updated.