TODAY: Baristas to distribute #OurTimeCounts coffee sleeves outside Starbucks shareholder meeting

As secure scheduling issue continues to pick up steam

Baristas to hand out #OurTimeCounts coffee sleeves outside Starbucks shareholder meeting today


Seattle baristas will be outside today's Starbucks Annual Shareholder Meeting raising awareness of a hot issue — by handing out coffee sleeves that read #OurTimeCounts.

The issue of secure scheduling continues to percolate in Seattle and across the country because more and more companies are demanding workers offer complete flexibility and 24/7 availability — but they're not offering workers any real flexibility in return. When you don't know what your schedule is going to be until the week's already getting started, it's almost impossible to plan a budget, make time to help your kids with homework, get a second job, or go back school.

Who: Baristas and supporters with Working Washington

What: Hand out #OurTimeCounts coffee sleeves to Starbucks shareholders attending the annual shareholder meeting

When: Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Where: McCaw Hall, 321 Mercer St, Seattle, WA 98109

Starbucks pledged to improve scheduling practices after a devastating expose two years ago — but wildly variable work schedules, short notice of schedules, clopening shifts, and access to hours continue to be issues at many stores.

Last fall, Starbucks workers attempted to deliver a letter to Howard Schultz asking him to meet with baristas to find a way forward to address these issues. He has not yet found time to respond despite two attempts to deliver the letter to corporate headquarters, but baristas are continuing to build pressure on this brewing issue — they can't keep it tamped down for long. 

A recent poll found an overwhelming 74% of Seattle voters support secure scheduling rules — about as many as predictably drink coffee every morning. It looks increasingly likely that Starbucks is going to be required to implement secure scheduling rules in their home city of Seattle; baristas are asking that they apply these rules across the country as well.


Contact: Sage Wilson, Working Washington:
