Yakima to honor World Food Day on Friday 10/16 by calling for $15 wage for food workers & all workers

The campaign for $15 an hour continues to build momentum in Yakima. In honor of World Food Day on October 16th, Working Washington will convene as many as 100 workers, students, and community leaders to discuss how to raise wages in agriculture, food service, and all jobs in the Yakima area.

World Food Day is dedicated to ending hunger — and by raising wages so everyone can afford to support themselves, we can achieve this vision.

Who: Low-wage workers, students, community, and faith leaders with Working Washington

What: Celebrate World Food Day by gathering in support of Yakima's $15 campaign for testimonials from low-wage food workers, an educational presentation on minimum wage fights in other cities, and plans for the next steps to win $15 for Yakima.

When: Friday, October 16th, 5:30 pm

Where: Casa de Gracia Church, 901 South 7th Street,Yakima

More information: 

Wages and incomes are so low in Yakima — and food insecurity so high — that: 

  • 85% of Yakima students are eligible for free & reduced price lunches
  • 27.2% of Yakima residents had to rely on food stamps at some point over the past year
  • More than half of Yakima households have annual incomes below than $35,000