An innovative approach to workers rights in the Uber economy

A Seattle City Council committee is considering an innovative proposal to address the fact that Uber & Lyft take advantage of a loophole to classify their drivers as “independent contractors” rather than employees. By working this loophole, these companies avoid the responsibilities that other employers have to their employees — including basic rights like minimum wage and the right to organize.

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Plaintiff in anti-$15 lawsuit tells TV reporter that businesses & jobs "will be lost"... at the exact same time he's hiring at his Seattle shop and sales are up 9%

Chuck Stempler of Alphagraphics is a named plaintiff in the lawsuit by the franchise industry arguing that Seattle's $15 law is unfair to McDonald's. As the case was argued on appeal yesterday, Stempler appeared on KOMO 4 news, telling reporter Michelle Esteban that the law is sure to have apocalyptic consequences. "People will lose their businesses," he declared severely. "Employees will lose their jobs."

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Sea-Tac Airport workers finally win $15!

Workers in and around Sea-Tac Airport fought for and, in 2013, won $15. And now, the Washington State Supreme Court has agreed, handing down its decision in favor of workers and their families. The court upheld what we’ve been saying all along in this long process - workers at Sea-Tac Airport should be paid a living wage of $15 an hour.

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