zak Idan for tukwila City Council, Position 5

Candidate evaluations:

Zak Idan: 12 / 15
Resume & Experience: 4, Issues: 4, Ratings: 4

Dennis Martinez: 7 / 15
Resume & Experience: 4, Issues: 3, Ratings 0. (Martinez did not submit an application.)

Zak Idan deserves the support of Tukwila workers.

The city is home to a huge number of retail jobs in Southcenter, and a large concentration of Uber drivers, so it’s encouraging that Idan’s top priority is finding ways to encourage the growth of living wage jobs. 

Idan has been a leader in his community, deeply involved in everything from youth soccer to immigrant rights. Most notably for workers, Idan is a board member of Abubakr Islamic Center, which played a key role as a community base of support for many of the airport workers who organized for the landmark $15 living wage in SeaTac. With Idan on the board, Abubakr has continued to join various fights for workers rights, from wages and backpay to struggles against discrimination.

Idan’s opponent, Dennis Martinez, is an interesting candidate who has a long record of involvement with unions in the construction trades, and his website includes proposals to work with contractors to expand work opportunities in the area. However, Martinez did not respond to our requests to participate in our endorsement process so we did have the opportunity to learn more about these proposals, and do not have a job application to submit for ratings.

Zak Idan has been there for workers. He deserves your support.